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Hi there coffee drinker

Sit back and enjoy your favorite roast as you read this week's newsletter.
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--- Guest Roaster: Brew Bros. ---

Visit our Center Avenue store to try the latest guest coffee from Brew Bros, a local coffee roaster. This young duo started only two years ago, but have quickly gained popularity through pop-up shops, local events, and collaborations with food trucks.

Tasting notes: A rich, caramel flavor with subtle hints of molasses. The perfect wake-up morning espresso!

Sandwich Competition

Have an idea for the Next Great Sandwich? Tell us! We're offering free lunch for a month if you can invent an awesome new sandwich for our menu.

Simply tweet your ideas to @franksroasthouse and use #sandwichcomp and we'll let you know if you're a winner.

Follow Us

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New Store Opening!

Watch out Broad Street, we're coming to you very soon!

Keep an eye on your inbox, as we'll have some special offers for our email subscribers plus an exclusive launch party invite!

New and Improved Hours!

Frank's is now open even later, so you can get your caffeine fix all day (and night) long! Here's our new opening hours:

  • Monday - Thursday: 6am - 12am
  • Friday - Saturday: 6am - 1:30am
  • Sunday: 7:30am - 11pm